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Fibocom广和通是全球领先的物联网无线通信解决方案和无线模组供应商,也是中国首家A股上市的无线模组企业(股票代码:300638)。Fibocom广和通为电信运营商、物联网设备厂商、物联网系统集成商提供端到端物联网无线通信解决方案。20余年的M2M及物联网通信专家技术和经验积累,以及Fibocom广和通自主研发设计的高性能5G/4G/LTE Cat 1/3G/2G/NB-IoT/LTE Cat M/安卓智能/车规级无线通信模组,使Fibocom广和通能为几乎所有垂直行业提供可靠、便捷、安全、智能的物联网通信解决方案,也使Fibocom广和通能够根据您的特殊要求提供最优解决方案。
Fibocom广和通始终以客户能低成本、快速部署物联网应用为目标。Fibocom广和通的产品和方案设计兼容多种通信制式,多个操作系统,拥有丰富的硬件接口和丰富的功能特性,如:OpenCPU、eSIM、 GNSS、蓝牙、Wi-Fi等功能特性。这样的产品设计为客户节省了更多总有成本。
Fibocom广和通创立于1999年,是全球领先的物联网无线通信解决方案和无线通信模组提供商,2017年成为中国首家上市的无线通信模组企业(股票代码:300638)。Fibocom广和通提供包括无线通信模组、物联网应用解决方案、云平台在内的一站式服务,致力于将可靠、便捷、安全、智能的无线通信方案普及至每一个物联网场景,为用户带来完美无线体验,丰富智慧生活。Fibocom广和通始终保持技术领先,在万物互联的5G时代,全球首发5G模组,引领5G的行业普及和应用。Fibocom广和通全产品线涵盖5G、LTE/LTE-A、NB-IoT/LTE-M、车载前装、安卓智能 、WCDMA/HSPA(+)、GSM/GPRS、 Wi-Fi、GNSS等技术,产品主要应用于云办公、智慧零售、C-V2X、智慧能源、智慧安防、工业互联、智慧城市、智慧农业、智慧家居、智慧医疗等行业数字转型领域。Fibocom广和通总部位于中国深圳,在深圳和西安设有研发中心,在中国和境外拥有多家子公司和办事处,目前约有1000多名全球员工,业务遍及100多个国家。
Founded in 1999, Fibocom is a leading global provider of IoT (Internet of Things) wireless solution and wireless communication modules. We provide one-stop services including wireless communication modules, IoT application solutions as well as cloud platforms,and are committed to bring reliable, accessible, secure and intelligent wireless solutions to every IoT application scenario. Our goals are to provide the perfect wireless experience for customers and enrich smart life of the whole society. In 2017, Fibocom become the first stock-listed (Stock Code:300638) wireless module provider in China.
In the era of 5G where everything is connected, Fibocom has always maintained its technological leadership,launching the world's first 5G module to lead the industry penetration and application of 5G. We provide advanced and high-performance wireless modules include 5G, LTE/LTE-A, NB-IoT/LTE-M, Android Smart, Automotive, WCDMA/HSPA(+), GSM/GPRS, Wi-Fi, GNSS, etc. We empower the intelligent future of all industries, mainly including ACPC (Always Connected PC), smart retail, C-V2X, smart energy, smart security surveillance, industry IoT, smart cities, smart agriculture, smart home, telemedicine and other industry fields under digital transformation.
Fibocom is headquartered in Shenzhen,China, and has R&D centers in both Shenzhen and Xi'an. We are globally located with more than 30 subsidiaries and regional operation centers in China, Americas, EMEA, and Asia Pacific Regions. Currently, we have more than 2000 global employees, and provide products and services in more than 100 countries and regions.
Our Values
Capture Highest Value for Customers
Centered on customer needs, Fibocom is committed to providing customers with safe and stable wireless connections and convenient services, and helping them reduce operating costs and maximize value. By empowering numerous IoT applications, Fibocom is securing users a seamless wireless experience and an exciting smart life via IoT communication products and solutions.
Boost IoT Industries
Fibocom’s products and solutions are of high relevance to new infrastructure such as 5G, charging stations, AI, and Industrial Internet. Bearing in mind that the company shares the same destiny with the industry, Fibocom has reached long-term strategic partnership with global leading telecom operators, mainstream chip manufacturers, and other players along the IoT industry chain. Based on wireless communication technology, we aspire to jointly develop innovative IoT applications and a robust ecosystem. Meanwhile, Fibocom has joined a number of standardization organizations and industry alliances at home and abroad. By proactively participating in the formulation of influential standards, we keep contributing our experience and knowledge to the sustainable development of IoT. During the COVID-19 pandemic, wireless multi-parameter monitors equipped with Fibocom 4G wireless modules were sent to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital. They reduced the physical contact between medical staff and patients and improved the efficiency of medical treatment, greatly lowering the risk of cross-infection.
Growand Thrive with Employees
As the very first A-share listed IoT module producer in China, Fibocom insists on growing together with employees. For excellent contributors, we offer both tangible and intangible incentives including equities; for graduates, we provide a longer learning cycle and an international development platform; for experienced talent and technical experts, we ensure a more diversified R&D environment and innovation freedom. Walking hand in hand with its employees, Fibocom is always ready to share benefits and success.
What We Persist
Fibocom values its core strategy and competitiveness, rather than short-term profits. For the past 20 years, it has been staying true to its mission – to produce wireless communication modules and support the development of IoT. Much expertise and know how have been rewarded to the company along the journey.
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